Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Wild in Me

The elephants stomp straight
across my heart, throwing off the
poachers. Who are on the quest to
capture precious ivory tusks.

Even then the bandits
steal the rubies from
my treasure chest. They
gloat with an incurable glee.

It won't be long until
I'm a vast empty nothingness.
The ghosts will still visit me,
they scare away the flies.

It doesn't matter that people leave.
I'll find myself again in the ocean
I'll linger for a moment
With sea glass of every color.

Or be in a rain forest
with florescent frogs and snakes.
The wild birds will stay,
and bury me with star-gazer lilies.

Monkeys will braid my hair and
Lions will wash my face with rose-oil.
I'll be a goddess forever and ever,
in the infinity of now.

Life as of 1-22-12

Dear Voldemort, 

Well, I've started the Body for Life program this past week and have lost ten-eight pounds! I'm kind of excited about it but I haven't told anyone. I kind of want it to be a surprise, you know? I haven't been as hungry as I thought I would be and I've been feeling really great this past week. 

I've been thinking about a lot of things lately, well, basically just thinking a lot today. I don't know what I want to do! Sure college is good for now but I want to travel! I want to live in Paris and speak French french. I am a quarter French...doesn't that count? I do want to travel all over though, not just  to Paris. But I'm scarred that I won't be able to. Want to know the reason why? Message me. I'll tell you all about it. 

I'm scarred about writing too. I'm afraid that it won't be a suitable career and that I won't be able to take care of my mother. What would you have me do? I don't know. Sometimes I yearn for the life of having everything planned out for me so I don't have to make any decisions. Not very American of me, aye? 

I've been crying through movies a lot too. Last night I watched The Guardian  with Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Costner. Gosh, I love that movie! It makes me bawl like a friggin' baby though! Oh, and the night before, I watched Letters to Juliet with Amanda Seyfried. I love that movie. It's so cute and it makes me cry too. I'm kind of a hopeless romantic. I wish it just wasn't so hopeless. 

Well, it's 1:30 AM and I'm going to bed. Good night, Voldy. 
