(I've often wondered when my chance was going to come along. I just didn't know that I would give up on my list for you, and look where that got me. No where. You can't have my heart anymore, and I refuse to think about you anymore. This chicka is moving on to better and bigger things!)
Hey there! So I have come up with a list of what I want in a man. It is more of a protection thingy so I won't get hurt, I've decided that I won't let myself get hurt again. Therefore, my man has to have all of these characteristics or I'm going to stay a bachelorette for the rest of my life. It's true. I won't settle for anything less than the best. ;)
*Blue or Green eyes
*cleft chin
*beautiful smile and at least one dimple
*nice hands, they have to fit perfectly with mine
*has to be able to dance, and has to love it.
*has to where glasses
*likes cats more than dogs
*Is funny, but doesn't isn't pushy. Doesn't bring people down
*likes to smile (for I would want to see him smile all the time)
*is kind and generous
*would be a good father and has to have the same beliefs as I do.
*has to be passionate and has to yell at me when I want him to.
*has to like to read, and he has to enjoy books
*Has to be smart, and not remind everyone about it.
Other things will be added when found!
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